Our product cook times vary depending on the product you are cooking and the method. For example our sliders take about 6 mins in the fry pan where the 150g Angus takes about 10 mins in a fry pan.
You can find specific cook times for each of our products.
You can purchase Angel Bay products through your local stockist.
Alternatively, you can contact your local Angel Bay Rep and they'll be able to assist you.
No there's no size variance between individual burger patties.
All Angel Bay burger patties are made under strict quality control measures to ensure we can guarantee you consistency and quality with every cook.
The smallest burger patty we offer is our 40g Beef Sliders, a mini-version of our Gourmet Beef Patties. Find out more about all of our products.
We supply to over 150+ distributors and in every state of Australia. Find your nearest Angel Bay stockist.
If you need assistance with finding your closest stockist, please feel free contact one of our sales representatives. They'd love to help you out.
We've got our friends across the pond to thank for our delicious Angel Bay burgers. All our products are made in Dunedin, New Zealand.
All Angel Bay orders have a 2 day dispatch turnaround after receipt of your purchase order.
If you've not received your order within 24 hours of your expected ETA, please drop us an email at sales@anzcofoods.com.au with your order number and the team will be happy to help you.
Yes they are! All our Angel Bay products are Halal certified by the following New Zealand MPI Approved Halal Organisations:
Not all our products are gluten free, but we do have Gluten Free Beef Burger Patties that have the same great taste as our Gourmet Beef burgers, for your gluten-intolerant and health-conscious consumers.
You can trust our Gluten Free Beef Burgers are made with the greatest care to ensure there are no trace elements of gluten in them.
Yes all our products can be cooked from frozen. You can find cooking instructions for all our pre-cooked products. Simply click on the product you're interested in to find out more.
All our part-cooked patties and products are hot plate ready meaning you can cook them from frozen on a hot plate/fry pan, in a conventional oven, and airfryer or in the microwave. You can find cooking instructions for all our pre-cooked products. Simply click on the product you're interested in to find out more.
Yes all our products can be prepared in a microwave.
All our products are part-cooked which means they can be cooked from frozen on a hot plate, frypan, in a conventional oven, and airfryer or in a microwave.
Angel Bay provides high-quality beef and lamb products and therefore most of our product offering is not vegan.
Our Gourmet Vegetable Patties are vegan.
That's great! We always welcome new ideas, especially when they're coming direct from the market.
To share an idea with the Angel Bay team, simply fill in our Share an Idea form.
We've created a handy bun size infographic to use to help you gauge which of our 13 beef or lamb patties will best suit your needs.
You can check that out at our burger patty guide.
If you didn't find the answer you were looking for, send us your question in the form below and we'll get back to you ASAP.Arrange a call with a rep
Fill out your details and one of our reps will be in touch with you.