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Breakfast meal on restaurant plate with poached eggs, bacon and Angel Bay veggie patty
20 March 20243 min read

Trends to Elevate Your Breakfast Game

As our representatives crisscross the country, they've uncovered a handful of breakfast trends that are penetrating breakfast menus across the nation. From inventive frumpets to hearty muffins, take a gander at the latest foodservice trends, offering inspiration for your own menu.


The morning hours represent a canvas of potential for breaky businesses. By catering to early risers and brunch enthusiasts, businesses can tap into a market that spans from 6am to 2pm, a phenomenon affectionately termed "blunch." This extended service window offers ample time to engage those late-rising patrons and maximize revenue, a trend we're seeing across the Eastern board.

Coffee Combos

The allure of a well-brewed cup of coffee remains unparalleled. Recognising this, businesses are revisiting the concept of coffee combos. By bundling coffee with main meals or grab-n-go items, establishments entice wavering buyers, turning hesitant ponderers into decisive purchasers. This simple strategy not only enhances the dining experience but also bolsters the bottom line.

FrumpetsGuacamole frumpet and breakfast sausage patty recipe

Innovation is the heartbeat of a thriving culinary business, and the frumpet may very well be the next sensation, akin to the beloved smashed avo on toast. What exactly is a frumpet, you ask? It's a delightful reimagination of the classic crumpet, infused with a sweet, custardy batter. This results in a golden, caramelized crust that plays host to a delightful symphony of flavors. The frumpet's unique blend of sweet and savory invites a diverse array of delectable toppings.

Try our frumpet recipe.

Breakfast Gnocchi

In the realm of breakfast, innovation knows no bounds. Enter breakfast gnocchi—a culinary marvel that redefines morning comfort. Picture pillowy, potato-based dumplings adorned with an array of delectable toppings. This is an ode to creativity and a testament to the limitless potential of morning fare.

Sweet & Salty Switch-Ups

Catering to discerning palates, businesses are finding ways to strike a balance between indulgence and nutrition. A single pancake or pastry on the side of an egg-centric main meal offers a sweet escape for those with a penchant for indulgence but still want to stick to their macros and health goals. This simple addition can be a game-changer, enticing patrons and boosting revenue.

Fully Loaded Savory Breakfast Muffins

Bid adieu to conventional blueberry muffins and say hello to a heartier alternative. Imagine a breakfast muffin bursting with the flavors of a full English breakfast. The latest creation coming out of metropolitan Melbourne satisfies smaller appetites while ensuring lasting satiety until lunchtime. Fully loaded savory breakfast muffins have become a staple not only in cafes but also in the realm of food trucks.


Squaffles, a playful twist on the classic corn fritter, exemplify the culinary innovation happening in kitchens today. Chefs are venturing beyond convention, taking a carbohydrate or meat base and pressing them into a waffle iron to create a delightful foundation for breakfast stacks.

Take a look at our Veggy patty squaffle, crafted for the burgeoning community of flexitarians, this inventive dish combines crisp, caramelized patties with wholesome vegetables. Layered with velvety crushed pea hummus and crowned with candied bacon, it promises a symphony of sweet and savory. Crowned with marinated feta, poached eggs, and zesty lemon zest, it's a brunch experience like no other.

Dive into our veggie squaffle stack recipe.

Biohacking Breakfast

As the biohacking trend sweeps the globe, health-conscious diners seek meals that keep blood sugars in check. Eggs, a nutritional powerhouse, take center stage here. Pair them with high-protein options like sausage patties or bacon for a balanced start to the day. Additionally, cooking with olive oil, butter, or tallow—while omitting seed oils—promoted on your menus, sends a clear message to health-conscious customers that you're dialed in with what is important to them and have your finger on the pulse.

Gut-Focused Nourishment

Beyond biohackers, there's a growing audience keen on nurturing their gut microbiome for holistic well-being. Embrace gut-friendly foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, yogurts, and dark leafy greens. By incorporating these offerings, you aim to win over this cohort of breakfast warriors.

Pubs & Restaurants Selling Breakfast

Pubs and restaurants are now recognising the untapped potential in opening their doors early to cater to the burgeoning breakfast market in Australia. This shift signifies a strategic move to not only satisfy early risers but also to capitalise on a prolific revenue stream. By embracing the morning rush, these establishments are unlocking new avenues for growth and profitability.