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Angel Bay Australia

Blog Post by Angel Bay Australia

Mini Burger Catering: The Perfect Appetiser
25 March 2024

Mini Burger Catering: The Perfect Appetiser

Have you got a big event on the horizon? Well, have you considered adding mini burgers, ...
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Top Tips For Launching Your Dark Kitchen
25 March 2024

Top Tips For Launching Your Dark Kitchen

This article was guest written by Chef Liam. Creating a dark kitchen, also known as a ...
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Managing The Easter Long Weekend
22 March 2024

Managing The Easter Long Weekend

Guest written by Chef Liam. Easter is a great time to spend with family and friends over ...
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Flash Frozen Protein Can Help Your Business
22 March 2024

Flash Frozen Protein Can Help Your Business

Flash-frozen protein has become increasingly popular in recent years due to its economic ...
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Why Veggie Burgers Should Be On Your Menu
22 March 2024

Why Veggie Burgers Should Be On Your Menu

As the world becomes more health and environmentally conscious, there has been a growing ...
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Exploring The Rise Of Ghost Kitchens
22 March 2024

Exploring The Rise Of Ghost Kitchens

This article was guest written by Chef Liam. The restaurant world was turned upside down ...
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Promoting International Burger Day
22 March 2024

Promoting International Burger Day

Guest written by Chef Liam International Burger Day is just around the corner and it's a ...
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Introducing Chef Liam
22 March 2024

Introducing Chef Liam

When I was asked to introduce myself to you the reader about who is writing these ...
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Aged Care Meal Plan
22 March 2024

Aged Care Meal Plan

Aged Care facilities across Australia all value their nutritional standards and can agree ...
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Achieving Better Water Practices
21 March 2024

Achieving Better Water Practices

Angel Bay sources more than 95% of our pure New Zealand beef and lamb from processing ...
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The Best Ways to cook Angel Bay - Part I
21 March 2024

The Best Ways to cook Angel Bay - Part I

Guest written by Chef Liam. I’m sure every budding chef reading this would have their own ...
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Updated Angel Bay Cartons
21 March 2024

Updated Angel Bay Cartons

We are thrilled to announce that starting in mid-June 2023, you will notice a new and ...
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