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Woman wearing Angel Bay apron serving skewers with Angel Bay meatballs on.
24 July 20231 min read

Apron Giveaway

We are extremely grateful for your support as an Angel Bay user, and to show our appreciation, we would like to offer you an Angel Bay Apron - our little gift to you!

To claim your Angel Bay apron, simply send us a picture of your Angel Bay burger using the form below, and your local Angel Bay representative will deliver it to you in no time.

But that's not all! You'll also receive our monthly emails filled with mouth-watering recipes, exciting new product releases, and market trends. These emails are carefully crafted to bring value to your inbox and keep you up-to-date with everything going on at Angel Bay.

We understand that your inbox is precious, and we promise not to flood it with irrelevant messages. Instead, we'll only send you the best and most exciting content. If at any point you decide that our emails are not for you, you can opt-out at any time.

If you have any questions about the competition, please feel free to reach out to us at



  1. This competition is only open to existing Angel Bay Food Service customers located in Australia.
  2. To enter and receive a free Angel Bay Apron, entrants much complete the form including a photo of their Angel Bay creation. For example, this could be a burger, a salad or pasta dish using Angel Bay products. Images will also be accepted of users in their Angel Bay apron.
  3. By entering this competition, you agree to Angel Bay using your images for marketing and promotional purposes unless expressly asked not to. This can be done by leaving a comment requesting such upon form submission.
  4. Prize includes 1 x Angel Bay apron per submission. The apron prize will be delivered either by an Angel Bay representative or by post for regional businesses. No cash alternative is available.
  5. Angel Bay reserves the right to alter, cancel or amend the terms and conditions of the competition at any point throughout the competition period or thereafter.