Angel Bay News

January 2023 Australia Update | Angel Bay AU

Written by Angel Bay Australia | 26 January 2023

2023 feels well underway now, with everyone returning to business as usual on the 9th - Angel Bay is in full swing. Following a busy summer period, our reps are back out in the field met with warm welcomes from business owners and chefs alike.

The launch of our new 100g Veggie Patty has seen our team busy as ever attending appointments with end users interested in the product. If you think our Angel Bay Patty convenience paired with a vegetarian patty that’s sure to tickle your tastebuds is up your alley why not request a free sample?

Following a much-appreciated Christmas break, the team welcomed all our state representatives to the Brisbane head office for a 2-day workshop that targeted internal processes and the year ahead. It was a great opportunity to hear the rep team's feedback on how things are going out in the field with chefs and business owners. From the sounds of it and from the look of Brooke, our QLD representative, 2023 will be one to remember!

That's not all... We’re stoked to welcome Sam to our appointment-setting team, we can’t wait to have her as a part of our Angel Bay family! Sam has just joined the Angel Bay team, making appointments to connect our customers and state representatives in both QLD and Victoria.


Our marketing teams are heads down and laser focused on preparation for the PFD Supplier Forum that's coming up in early March. We'll be showcasing a range of your favourites including our popular 120g Homestyle Beef Patty, the brand new 100g Veggie Patty and the 50g Breakfast Beef Sausage Patty.

All tickets are booked, and we’re excited to announce the following Angel Bay representatives will be attending:

  • Ken Johnson – Australian General Manager
  • James Telfer – NSW and ACT representative
  • Oswald Gonzalez – VIC and TAS representative
  • Jeff Luskie – Oceania General Manager

The team are available to chat anytime around the forum so please reach out to if you’d like to book in with them.

That’s a wrap on our January update, we hope you’ve all had a great start to the new year, and we look forward to an exciting year ahead. We’ll be back soon with more to share in our February update!