Angel Bay News

Complete the Angel Bay Survey | Angel Bay AU

Written by Angel Bay Australia | 07 September 2021
Posted on Wednesday, 8th September 2021

We’re always working to make Angel Bay exactly what the Australian Food Service industry needs. Your feedback helps us improve our services and develop products that the market wants.

We’d love you if you help us by completing our quick 3-minute customer survey. All feedback provided will remain anonymous and only be used by Angel Bay to improve our products and services.

To say thanks, you’ll be entered into the draw to win a $200 Coles / Myer gift card. One lucky winner will be randomly chosen and contacted on 12th December.

Thanks in advance for your participation and good luck in the draw!


Terms and conditions

1. Angel Bay will give away a $200 Coles / Myer gift voucher to one randomly selected entrant into the draw. 
2. All entrants must complete the Angel Bay survey and register a valid email address to enter the draw.
3. The prize winner will be drawn on 12th December, 2021.
4. The winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to accept their prize. In the event the prize isn't accepted within 48 hours, Angel Bay reserves the right to select another winner.